


Living on campus can be an exciting and rewarding experience. 我们的住房和居住生活计划提供各种方案,以满足学生的需求.  我们鼓励你参加宿舍协会,并参与所有由住房和住宿生活提供的活动.



Are new first-time freshmen and transfer students required to live on campus?

No; however, 我们鼓励所有的学生住在校园里,我们的办公室将尽一切努力为学生提供住宿.


No. 我们不能保证学生有足够的空间. 房屋以先到先得的方式提供.


Freshmen women will be housed in Transitional Hall and Alexander Center. Freshmen males will be housed in Dixon Hall and Stewart Hall.


为了住在坎贝尔学院北套房 & South, students must have at least 30 passed JSU credit hours. 学生必须通过JSU的60个学分或更多才能留在波因特大学.

Is t在这里 an application fee / room reservation fee for housing?

是的. All new students to university housing must pay a one-time $100.00英镑的住房申请费,不予退还. All returning students to university housing must pay a one-time $75.00元不退房订房费.  The office must have the housing fee prior to assigning a housing assignment. 请 note that the application fee does not guarantee a housing assignment.



如果我以前的余额超过200美元怎么办.00? 我怎样才能收到房屋转让契?

在收到房屋分配之前,您必须联系业务办公室并制定付款计划.  一旦你建立了你的付款计划, 请将相关文件带到住房和居住生活部,我们将根据相关文件分配给您. 可以通过电子邮件联系商务办公室 bursarcares@e-hazir.net 或致电601-979-2967.


住房 staff will place the following charges on all student accounts:

  • 大学住宿费
  • 膳食计划
  • 邮箱费

These fees will appear on the electronic student account statement.

For further information regarding the University meal plan program or your P.O. 盒子, 请致电601-979-1325或 meals@e-hazir.net.

我有奖学金. 它包括我所有的部分住房吗?

关于奖学金的问题, 请联系财政援助关于你的奖学金或商务办公室有关您的帐户的详细信息. 可以通过电子邮件finaid@jsums获得经济援助.Edu或致电601-979-2227. Business office can be reached by emailing bursarcares@jsums.Edu或致电601-979-2967.

我是学生运动员. 我必须住在某个宿舍吗?

No. 运动员可以住在我们的任何住宅社区.

When do I receive my room assignment and when do I find out who my roommate is?

学生有机会选择他们的室友. 如果你是行政上指派的, you can log into your PAWS account to view your room and roommate information. These details are also available on your THD Self-Service Portal. 请注意,没有找到居住在坎贝尔学院套房和大学波因特的学生的室友信息, 建筑的4到10.


在迪克森大厅(男性)和过渡大厅(女性)内有指定的新生宿舍。. 一旦指定的位置被填满, new freshmen honors students will be housed in the appropriate first-year halls.


Alexander Center, Dixon, Stewart and Transitional:
每个房间有两张单人床(特大号床垫), 两个桌子, 两个衣柜, 两个梳妆台, 两个床头柜, 还有迷你百叶窗.
Campbell College North和Campbell College South套房:
One twin XL bed, one desk and chair and closet in each room. The common area of each 4 bedroom suite includes a full-size refrigerator, 还有一张桌子和四把椅子. Students are encouraged to bring their own common area furniture. 请 note that no University provided furniture can be removed from the room.
1-3号楼有XL双人床, 4-10号楼有XL全尺寸床, 带洗碗机的全厨房, 洗衣机和烘干机.


在学年期间,所有住在校园里的学生都需要提供膳食计划. 请点击 在这里 to visit the 餐厅 Services webpage for meal plan options.


新生不能改变他们的膳食计划选择. For further information regarding the University meal plan program, 请致电601-979-1325或 meals@e-hazir.net.

我怎样才能找到我的P的信息.O. 盒子?

如果你需要任何关于你的P.O. 盒子,包括你的P.O. 信箱号码,请与邮政部门联系,电话:601-979-2051. 邮局位于J. L. Reddix建筑. 如需进一步了解您的学生P.O. 信箱,请致电601-979-2051或 postal@e-hazir.net.


Each student who resides on campus is required to have a post office box. 你可透过位于香港邮政的邮政服务取得你的邮箱. L. Reddix大厦一楼. 如需进一步了解您的学生P.O. 信箱,请致电601-979-2051或 postal@e-hazir.net.


包裹可以通过联邦快递、UPS、USPS或DHL发送. 运送包裹或邮件时, 请写上学生的名字, 实际地址(JR林奇街1400号), 杰克逊,MS 39217)和JSU P.O. 盒子. Mail can be picked up in Postal Services, located in the J. L. Reddix大厦一楼. 如需进一步了解您的学生P.O. 信箱,请致电601-979-2051或 postal@e-hazir.net.


以下区域保证提供单人房: 坎贝尔学院北,坎贝尔学院南,和大学波因特楼4-10. 如果本学期其他宿舍有空位,我们将分配单间.


All residence hall rooms on our main campus are approximately 10′ x 12′.


No; however, area rugs are welcome for decorating and personalizing your room!


No. Our Maintenance Department handles all of the painting in the residence halls. 如果你觉得你的房间需要粉刷, 通知你的社区主任 , 他/她会评估房间. 在评估了房间的状况之后, 社区主任将向维修部提出要求,要求粉刷房间, 如果需要.

If I know who I want to be room with already, will we be matched up?





If I wish to change my roommate before school starts, can I?

Our office will make every effort to accommodate the request if we can.  如果我们不能满足你的要求, we ask for students to wait until Room Consolidation to switch roommates. 你可以把你的请求发电子邮件到 housinginfo@e-hazir.net. Include your name, J# and the roommate’s name and J# in your email request.

If I wish to change residential communities before school starts, can I?

Students must wait until room consolidation to change halls. 客房合并日期将于9月公布.


除了坎贝尔学院套房和大学角外,所有的住客都要按双人房收费. 如果您不希望收取单一费率, 你必须搬到另一个房间(合并),否则其他居民可能会和你一起搬进房间. 我们根据学生的生活方式收费. If t在这里 are two people residing in a room, we charge a double room rate. If t在这里 is only one person in a room, we charge a single room rate.


每年都会留出一段时间来交换房间,通常是在宿舍开学后的一到两周. 有关详细信息,请咨询您的社区主管.


是的. Students are allowed to bring refrigerators (must not exceed 4.2 cubic feet) and microwaves (must not exceed 1,000 watts). 请 点击这里 查看当你进入指定的空间时要带什么的完整列表. 

Are t在这里 any appliances that are not allowed to be brought on-campus?

是的. 请阅读学生手册,了解违禁物品. 电器,包括但不限于个人拥有的空调, 洗衣机和烘干机, 洗碗机, 微波炉, 额外的冰箱/冰柜, 室外天线, 天线, Wi-Fi routers or satellite dishes; open-coiled appliances such as toasters, 烤箱, 热板, 带外露线圈的电烤架, 等., or space heaters; halogen incense.

点击这里 查看当你进入指定的空间时要带什么的完整列表. 


是的. If you are interested in seeking ADA accommodations, please reach out to our Dr. Richardson or Samantha Manning in our ADA Department by emailing adaservices@e-hazir.net.


No, we do not allow pets on-campus; however, 如果您需要服务性动物,您必须完成适当的申请并满足要求. 请联系ADA服务的应用程序,并通过电子邮件了解所有细节 adaservices@e-hazir.net.

If I have a maintenance issue in my room, how do I report it?

请报告任何维修问题 点击这里 or scan the QR code located at the front desk of your residence hall, 完整填写表格. 如果您的维修请求是紧急请求, 请在提交请求后与您的社区主管联系,以确保他/她立即意识到问题.

What do I do if I have problems in my room or if I need assistance?

如果您在正常营业时间内需要帮助, 您可以通过与社区助理(CA)交谈或联系您的大厅或综合大楼的社区主任来联系大厅工作人员. 社区总监办公室. The 住房 and 居住生活 Department is also open Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 可以找到大厅工作人员的联系信息 在这里.  For emergencies, please contact 公共安全 at (601) 979-2580.

如果您在正常营业时间以外需要帮助, JSU has overnight receptionists located in Alexander East and Alexander West. 每个宿舍都有社区助理(CAs),他们在夜间随叫随到. 他/她的联系方式在前台, 如果你需要帮助,你可以联系他/她. 如果您生病和/或您正在经历紧急情况,请联系公共安全@ 601-979-2580. 


The on-call CA can contact the on-call director for any other urgent matter. 


立即向社区主任报告钥匙丢失. You will sign the appropriate charge form and the key will be ordered promptly. 一旦钥匙被替换, 它将被交付给你的社区主任, 谁来通知你钥匙到了.


No. 出于安全考虑,您不允许复制您的密钥. 如果你这样做了, 锁将被更换,您将负责更换分配给您房间的两把钥匙. 


是的, Internet service is available in all residence hall rooms. Student computers should meet minimum recommended specifications. 请注意,学生负责购买和安装计算机上的软件. JSU Support Service Personnel will not work on a student’s computer. Computers must be free of illegal downloads, such as music, movies, 等.



You can access the University provided cable options via Xfinity Stream. 点击这里 了解更多信息!


No. 澳门皇冠体育是一个无烟校园. Smoking is NOT allowed in the residence halls or on campus. 住房是一种特权. 如果你在宿舍里抽烟, 你将被收取费用,并有可能失去继续在校居住的机会. 


一些宿舍有私人浴室,而其他宿舍有社区浴室. The cleaning staff is responsible for cleaning the community bathrooms only. 然而,我们确实要求居民们尽自己的一份力,自己打扫卫生. Students are responsible for cleaning their private bathrooms. 如果你的社区浴室有任何问题, please complete a maintenance log and notify your Community Director.


是的,我们 强烈建议 每个学生都必须为自己的财产投保. 请 点击这里 有关学生财产保险的更多信息.


作为我们社区的一名公民, 你住得离教室很近,很方便, 图书馆, 洗衣设施, 导师, 计算机实验室, 还有学生健康中心. Living on campus also offers a helpful and supportive staff, 安全的环境, 学术支持, 领导力发展, 就业机会.



1400约翰·R. 林奇街
杰克逊,MS 39217-0280
